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2025.01.16 21:22
第二部 第二課: to bum , turn-off
- 紐約有許多酒吧都是愛爾蘭移民開的.今天 Michael 要帶李華去看一個酒吧. Michael 在講話裡會用兩個常用語: to bum 和 turn-off。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 哇!這裡好熱鬧喔! Michael,在愛爾蘭酒吧裡大家都喝些什麼呢?
- People normally drink a large beer that is usually served warm.
- 啊~?我可從來沒喝過熱的啤酒,一大杯也喝不完,那~,要一小杯行不行呀?
- Well, you can order whatever you want, but I need to bum a couple of dollars, if you don't mind.
- 隨便我要什麼都行呀!那好,就來一小杯.疑?對了,你剛才說要是我不在意的話,你想 bum a couple of dollars,那是什麼意思啊?
- What I mean is, can I borrow a couple of dollars from you.
- 哦~,原來你要問我借兩塊錢!
- Yes. Bum, b-u-m, But don't use this word for big things. For example, you would not ask your friend, 「Can I bum your car?」
- 哦~,在問別人借大的,像是汽車之類的東西時,就不能用 bum 這個字了,那~, bum 只能用在問人借小東西的時候。
- Yeah, it's usually used when asking for something small, like a piece of gum or candy.
- 哎喲,你們美國人,怎麼一片口香糖、一顆糖還要借啊?難道真的還要還呀?
- No, small things you don't need to return, such as gum and candies.
- 這很重要,因為在這種情況下,我們中國人就不說借了,我們大概會說:哎,給一顆糖吧。
- You are right Li Hua. But if you feel cold at a friend's home and you asked to bum a sweater, then you would return it when you were going to leave.
- 對喔,要是在朋友家覺得冷想借一件毛衣,那一般都應該還的。所以這還得看情況,對不對?
- Yes, if you will let me bum a couple bucks tonight, I promise to pay you back tomorrow.
- 行行行,就借你兩塊錢,哎,你向服務員要酒吧,我來付錢。哎,可明天別忘了還我喔。
- Okay. Two beers please!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 我以前啊,有一個朋友,每次跟她一起出去,不管是看電影,還是去喝咖啡,她總是向我借錢。
- A girl I used to hang out with acted the same way. Whenever a group of us went out, she would always ask to bum money. It got to be a real turn-off.
- 你也碰到過這種人呵!哎,等等, a real turn-off?這是什麼意思呀?你要把什麼東西給關掉啊?
- No, a turn-off is something that repels someone. Turn-off, t-u-r-n, - , o-f-f.
- 哦喔,就是一個讓人討厭的什麼東西.那~,是不是指一個人的性格裡有什麼地方讓你不喜歡他呢?
- Yes, that's right. Let me give you an example. Your ex-boyfriend always smoked cigarettes around you, that was a real turn-off.
- 就是啊,我以前那個男朋友啊,跟我在一塊兒的時候,老是抽煙,真是很討厭。
- A girl I once dated always interrupted me whenever I was talking. That was a real turn-off.
- 對對對,我記得你告訴過我,你以前的女朋啊老是打斷你的話,讓你很討厭.嗯,我還有一個朋友啊,他把髒衣服在房間裡到處亂扔, that was also a turn-off.
- See, you've learned how to use turn-off. By the way, I also have dirty clothes lying around my apartment. Does that bother you?
- 哼~?你也把髒衣服到處亂扔啊?你要是不打掃乾淨的話,別想請我到你家去。
- Ok, I'll try to clean it up.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語,一個是: to bum,意思是「借錢或者是其他東西」;另一個是: a turn-off,意思是「讓人討厭的地方」。