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EPT 美語
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第二部 第十二課: buck , whatever

  • Michael 和李華都為今天的考試苦苦準備了整整一個星期。他們倆剛考完,都覺得自己考得不錯。倆人決定去看一場電影,輕鬆輕鬆。李華會學到兩個常用語,一個是:buck; 另一個是:whatever
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Li Hua, are you going to get any snacks before the movie begins?
  • 啊?你說什麼?哦!電影還沒有開場,你問我要不要買點吃的呀?嗯,我本來想買一杯可樂,可是買了票,沒錢了,算了吧!
  • Don't worry about it! I'll buy you one. It's only a few bucks.
  • 你說什麼啊?一杯可樂不是要兩塊七毛五嗎?你怎麼說 "only a few bucks" 呢?
  • Bucks, b-u-c-k-s, Buck is an informal way to say "dollar".
  • 喲,buck 就是 dollar!是非正式的名稱。嗨,我昨天要買一塊糖,你給我一美元,那我就可以說: You gave me a buck. 對不對?
  • That's right. And the other day, I lent you a few bucks for lunch. And last week, you borrowed ten bucks so you could buy a chemistry textbook, and...
  • 得了得了,你用不著提醒我了啦,我知道,那天啊借了你幾塊錢吃午飯,上星期借了你十塊錢買化學書,不就是借了兩回嗎!你怎麼啦,怕我不還啊?
  • No, I'm not reminding you, I just wanted to give you some examples.
  • 得了吧!要給我舉例子,跟錢有關的事多著呢,為什麼非要舉我向你借錢的例子呢!
  • Ok, don't be mad at me. Hey, since you now know what "buck" means, why don't you give me an example.
  • 要我給你舉個例子啊,行,那還不容易! 你看我這件毛衣,款式很新型,純毛的喔,還是名牌呢,你猜多錢? Five bucks!
  • Five bucks! I can't believe it!
  • 清倉大減價嘛! 可是,Michael,我去商店的時候,停車停錯了地方,吃了一張罰票, it costs me 50 bucks!
  • Oh! So your sweater actually costs you 55 bucks! That's expensive!
  • 真倒霉!得了得了,別說了。去買可樂吧!電影快開場了。
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Michael,這電影可真棒!
  • What? Are you kidding? That was the stupidest movie I've ever seen. I would have rather spent the seven bucks on a good meal.
  • 啊?你從來沒看過這麼傻的電影?寧可花這七塊錢去好好吃頓飯! Michael, 你真怪!我非常喜歡 Piers Brosnan,他長得多帥呀!
  • Handsome? Whatever! He's got to be 50 years old now!
  • 哎,Michael, 你說 whatever,在這裡是什麼意思呀?比如說:You can buy whatever you want. 意思就是:你想買什麼都行。可是,你剛才說一個字 whatever,口氣也不同,好像意思不一樣哎。
  • The word "whatever" I said is the same as in your example, w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r, But when someone says "whatever" like this: "whatever," he is being sarcastic. He thinks what you just said is nonsense.
  • 哦~,原來是這麼回事兒。你說的 whatever 和我舉的例子裡的 whatever 是一個字.可是,說的調調不一樣就表示說話的人在諷刺對方,認為對方說的是廢話。哎,好,又學會一個詞。不過,Michael,你不喜歡這部電影是不是你認為 Piers Brosnan 不漂亮? 你是妒忌他吧?
  • Ha! Whatever! Piers Brosnan is an old man and he's getting fat. I couldn't possibly be jealous of him.
  • 得了吧!對,Piers Brosnan 年記是不小了,也比以前胖了。可是我認為他還是很帥。你自己不也比以前胖了嘛。
  • I'm fat? Whatever! This movie was a waste of seven bucks!
  • 唉,非要說看這電影是浪費七塊美元。得了,Michael, 你還是省點錢吧,沒准我下回還要問你借呢!
  • Whatever!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 李華今天學到了兩個常用語,一個是: buck,這是指美「」;另一個常用語就是: whatever,這是表示「說話的人對對方說的話很不以為然」,就像中文裡說的「得了吧」。
EPT 美語
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