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EPT 美語
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第二部 第十三課: to rip off , straight answer

  • 這是一個星期六,Michael 和李華到購物中心去買東西。李華喜歡買衣服,Michael 喜歡看電腦,所以他們決定各自先去買東西,然後中午在吃飯的地方碰頭。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:to rip offstraight answer
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 嗨, Michael, 我在這兒!
  • Hi, Li Hua! Hey, what did you buy?
  • 今天啊,我真高興,你看,買了那麼多衣服才花了我七十五美元呢。那店啊要關門了,東西全都半價。哎,Michael, 你買了什麼呢?
  • I bought a pair of tennis shoes. When I bought them, I thought it was a good deal, but later I saw the same pair at another store for much less. I got ripped off.
  • 你買了一雙網球鞋啊。哎,讓我看看,挺好的嘛!疑?Michael, 你剛才說最後一句話我沒有聽懂耶,什麼是 got ripped off? 是不是上當受騙的意思呢?
  • Yes, to be ripped off means to be cheated. Rip is spelled r-i-p, and it』s past tense form is spelled r-i-p-p-e-d, Off is spelled o-f-f.
  • 你看,我還猜對了呢。Michael, 那你為什麼不把買的網球鞋去退掉,再到便宜的店去買呢?
  • I wanted to do that, but when I went back to the first store, I saw a sign that said "All Sales are Final". So, I guess there's nothing I can really do about it.
  • 哎喲,還不讓退貨,這可真倒霉呢;那你買鞋的時候怎麼沒看見不讓退貨的牌子呢?
  • I was just too eager to buy these shoes. If you buy something and then find out that it is of poor quality, you can also say you were ripped off.
  • 哦~,買了東西後發現質量很差也可以說 to be ripped off。對了,我上個月啊從網上買了一片 DVD,可是我在看電影的時候好幾次都卡住了,我連電影的結尾都沒看上。
  • I guess I'm not the only one who got ripped off.
  • 買東西啊真是要小心呢。哎,得了,我們去買飯吧!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 時間不早囉,我們該回去了。搭地鐵去吧!
  • Sure! That was fun, Li Hua, but I have to stop spending so much money.
  • 我也不該花那麼多錢。疑?Michael, 你不是申請要去一家公司實習,他們會付你一些工資的嗎?有沒有回應啊?
  • No, they just keep telling me that they will let me know soon. I wish the company would just give me a straight answer.
  • Straight answer? Straight 是不是 s-t-r-a-i-g-h-t ?
  • Well, if you are looking for a straight answer, that means you want someone to give you a direct answer and tell you the truth.
  • 哦~,straight answer 就是直接了當,或者實事求是的回答啊。
  • That's right. For instance, I could see that my last roommate was unhappy living in our apartment, I asked him why, but I could never get him to give me a straight answer.
  • 為什麼你以前同宿舍的人,既不高興和你住在一起,可是又不告訴你真正的原因呢?疑?後來他不是搬出去了嗎?
  • Yes, he did give me a straight answer after he moved out. It turned out he wanted to move in with his girlfriend.
  • 哦~,他搬出去以後才老實告訴你他是要搬去和女朋友一塊兒住。我還以為啊他不喜歡你把屋子弄得亂糟糟的呢。
  • Li Hua, I think you are the only one who is bothered by that. Well, this is our stop. Do you still want to come over to my messy apartment? Give me a straight answer.
  • 我才不信只有我一個人批評你把屋子弄得亂七八糟的。不過,不管你家亂不亂,我當然得去呀,我的書還在你哪裡嘛!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到兩個常用語,一個是: to rip off,意思是「受騙上當」;另一個是: straight answer,意思是「坦率老實的回答」。
EPT 美語
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