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2025.01.18 16:09
七月份 第 04 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-07-04)------
- Egypt Installs Interim Leader, Morsi Detained
- 埃及臨時元首就任 穆爾西被軍隊拘捕
- Egypt has sworn in an interim leader as officials begin what appears to be a crackdown on supporters of the country's first democratically elected president - a day after his ouster by the military.
- 埃及臨時國家元首宣誓就職,同時,當局似乎開始鎮壓穆爾西的支援者;穆爾西是埃及第一位民選總統,他在一天前被軍隊推翻。
- The chief justice of Egypt's Supreme Court, Adly Mansour, took the oath of office as interim president Thursday in a ceremony broadcast on state television. After, he vowed to uphold the values of the revolution.
- 星期四,埃及憲法法院院長阿德勒‧曼蘇爾在國家電視台轉播的一次儀式上宣誓就任臨時總統;他隨後誓言捍衛埃及革命的價值觀。
- Outside Egypt's Constitutional Court, opponents of deposed president Mohamed Morsi chanted "Long live Egypt," while police and soldiers kept watch over protests by Morsi supporters.
- 在埃及憲法法院外,反對穆爾西的人高呼 “埃及萬歲”,軍警則在關注支援穆爾西的人舉行的抗議活動。
- Before being taken into military custody, Mr. Morsi criticized the army, saying its actions amounted to a "full coup."
- 在被軍方拘押之前,穆爾西對軍隊提出批評;他說,軍隊的行動等於是 “全面政變”。
- He urged Egyptians to reject the military's intervention.
- 他敦促埃及人對軍隊干政說不。
- But already, officials with Mr. Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood and its political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, are coming under scrutiny.
- 不過,穆爾西所在的穆斯林兄弟會及其政治分支自由與正義黨所屬的官員已在當局的密切注視之下。
- The Egyptian prosecutor's office Thursday issued arrest warrants for 300 Muslim Brotherhood members, including leaders Mohammed Badie and Khairat el-Shater.
- 埃及檢察官辦公室星期四向 300 名穆斯林兄弟會成員發出了逮捕令,包括領導人巴迪和沙特爾。
- Officials said Badie and Shater are wanted in connection with the deaths of eight protesters in clashes outside the group's Cairo headquarters.
- 有關官員說,巴迪和沙特爾因為與兄弟會開羅總部外爆發衝突期間有八名抗議者喪生事件有關聯而受到通緝。
- (2013-07-04)------
- S Korea Proposes Talks with North on Joint Factory
- 南韓建議就聯合工業園區進行談判
- South Korea has proposed talks with North Korea on re-opening a stalled joint industrial complex in the North.
- 南韓建議就重開位於朝鮮境內的聯合工業園區與朝鮮進行談判。
- Seoul's Unification Ministry suggested the low-level talks be held Saturday at the Panmunjom truce village on the two countries' border.
- 南韓統一部建議星期六在南北交界的板門店村舉行低層級的談判。
- The Kaesong industrial complex has been closed since April, when it fell victim to weeks of heightened inter-Korean tension.
- 今年 4 月,持續數週不斷加劇的朝韓緊張局面,導致開城工業園區淪為犧牲品,繼而關閉。
- North Korea has not responded to the proposal. But on Wednesday, Pyongyang said it would allow South Korean business people to inspect their equipment at the facility.
- 朝鮮方面尚未對此提議做出回應;但是平壤方面星期三表示,將允許南韓商人前往園區檢查工廠設備。
- The two Koreas tried to hold talks aimed at re-opening Kaesong last month, but they were canceled following a disagreement over who would represent each side.
- 朝韓雙方上個月曾試圖就重開城園區進行談判,但雙方在派誰做談判代表方面有爭議,致使談判被取消。
- The factory was an important source of revenue for North Korea and served as one of the last remaining signs of cooperation between Seoul and Pyongyang.
- 開城工業園區是朝鮮重要的財政收入來源,也是朝鮮半島南北雙方碩果僅存的合作標誌。