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2024.12.09 21:58
七月份 第 08 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-07-10)------
- NTSB: Ill-Fated Asiana Jet's Landing Gear Hit Seawall in SF
- NTSB: 韓亞航客機起落架撞上防波堤
- U.S. government investigators say the landing gear of the Asiana Airlines jet that crashed Saturday at San Francisco airport hit a seawall at the end of the runway, sending the fuselage skidding down the airfield.
- 美國政府調查人員說,星期六在舊金山機場失事的韓亞航空公司客機的起落架在觸及跑道之前撞到防波堤,致使機身滑向跑道一側的場地。
- The chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board, Deborah Hersman, told a news conference in San Francisco Tuesday that seconds before the crash, the pilots on board tried to correct the plane's speed and elevation.
- 美國國家交通安全委員會主席德博拉‧赫斯曼星期二在舊金山的一次記者會上說,就在失事之前幾秒鐘,機上駕駛員試圖糾正飛機航速和高度。
- Two Chinese schoolgirls were killed and about 180 of the more than 300 people on board were injured when the Boeing 777 crashed-landed.
- 韓亞航空這架波音 777 客機降落時失事,造成兩名中國女學生喪生,大約 180 人受傷;當時機上有 300 多人。
- Information from the plane's flight data recorder shows the plane was traveling far too slowly as it came in for a landing.
- 飛機上的飛行數據記錄器的資料顯示,飛機降落之前的速度太慢。
- Hersman declined to speculate on the cause of the crash, but much of the information released by the NTSB suggests pilot error as a main focus of the investigation.
- 赫斯曼拒絕對失事原因做出推測,不過,從美國國家交通安全委員會公佈的大多數資訊看出,駕駛員的失誤是調查的重點。
- (2013-07-10)------
- US Urged to Get Tough With China During Annual Talks
- 人權組織等促美國在年度對話期間對中國強硬
- Human rights groups and lawmakers are urging the Obama administration to take a tough stance Wednesday during annual high-level talks with Chinese officials in Washington.
- 人權組織和美國國會議員敦促歐巴馬政府星期三跟中國官員在華盛頓舉行高層年度對話期間採取強硬態度。
- Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew are heading the U.S. delegation at the Strategic and Economic Dialogue. The Chinese side is represented by State Councilor Yang Jiechi and Vice Premier Wang Yang.
- 美國國務卿克里和財政部長傑克‧盧率美國代表團出席本次戰略與經濟對話;中方由國務委員楊潔篪和副總理汪洋率團。
- The dialogue, now in its fifth year, is a regular opportunity for Washington and Beijing to discuss, and sometimes square off on, issues of both cooperation and disagreement between the world's two largest economies.
- 今年是美中第五輪戰略與經濟對話;每年一度的對話給華盛頓和北京提供了一個機會,定期就合作與分歧進行磋商,有時還會爭吵。
- Ahead of the two-day talks, there were calls for the U.S. to prominently raise concerns about China's human rights record - a particularly sensitive topic for Beijing.
- 在兩天對話的前夕,人權組織呼籲美國特別要表達對中國人權記錄的關注,這對北京來說是非常敏感的話題。
- New York-based Human Rights Watch says the U.S. should hold China accountable for what it calls a "lack of progress" on areas, such as its treatment of government critics, restrictions on free speech, and policies in ethnic areas.
- 紐約的人權觀察說,美國應該讓中國對某些領域的人權記錄 “缺乏進展” 承擔責任,比如它對政府批評人士的處理,限制言論自由,以及在少數民族地區的政策等。
- A bipartisan group of top U.S. lawmakers also called for the U.S. to press China on a wide range of economic issues, including protecting intellectual property and ensuring that China opens its markets up to further foreign competition.
- 由美國高層議員組成的一個兩黨組織也呼籲美國就範圍廣泛的經濟問題向中國施壓,包括保護智慧財產權,確保中國向外國競爭對手進一步開放市場等。