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2025.01.18 14:48
七月份 第 14 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-07-18)------
- Abbas, Palestinian Officials to Discuss Possible Peace Talk Resumption
- 阿巴斯將與巴解組織領導人討論重啟以巴和談問題
- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is set to meet Thursday with other Palestinian leaders to discuss the possible resumption of peace talks with Israel.
- 巴勒斯坦權力機構主席阿巴斯星期四將會見巴勒斯坦其他領導人,討論可能與以色列重啟和談的問題。
- The talks with leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization come a day after Mr. Abbas met with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who is expressing optimism about a possible return to negotiations.
- 阿巴斯在與巴勒斯坦解放組織領導人舉行會談的一天前,會晤了美國國務卿克里;克里對以巴恢復談判表示樂觀。
- Kerry told reporters in Jordan on Wednesday that his meetings with Israeli and Palestinian officials have been able to narrow differences between the two sides.
- 克里星期三在約旦對記者說,他與以色列和巴勒斯坦官員舉行的會談縮小了雙方的分歧。
- Kerry spoke after briefing Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby and representatives of Arab states that support a comprehensive peace plan.
- 此前,克里向阿拉伯聯盟秘書長阿拉比和阿拉伯國家的代表說明對全面和平計劃的支援。
- He urged Israel and the Palestinians not to take steps that would undermine the peace process.
- 克里敦促以色列和巴勒斯坦不要採取會破壞和平進程的行動。
- (2013-07-18)------
- Anti-Apartheid Icon Mandela Turns 95, Health “Improving”
- 曼德拉 95 歲誕辰 健康狀況好轉
- South Africa says former president Nelson Mandela's health is "steadily improving" as he turns 95 years old Thursday.
- 星期四是前南非總統曼德拉 95 歲誕辰,南非說,他的健康狀況正在持續好轉。
- President Jacob Zuma wished Mr. Mandela happy birthday in a statement, saying South Africa is proud to call the international icon its own.
- 南非總統祖馬發表聲明,祝曼德拉生日快樂;他說,南非為擁有這位國際偶像人物而感到驕傲。
- Mr. Mandela has been hospitalized for more than a month with a recurring lung infection. Officials describe his condition as "critical but stable."
- 一個多月來,曼德拉一直因肺部感染復發而住院治療;有關官員說,他的病情 “嚴重但穩定”。
- South Africans have big celebrations planned for his birthday Thursday, which has been designated an international day of service.
- 南非計劃星期四為曼德拉誕辰舉行盛大慶祝活動,並把這一天定為國際服務日。
- Known as "Mandela Day," people are asked to give 67 minutes of their time doing something charitable, or one minute for each year he dedicated to his struggle for social justice.
- 星期四是 “曼德拉日”,人們被要求做 67 分鐘的善事,紀念曼德拉為爭取社會公正而鬥爭的 67 個年頭。
- U.S. President Barack Obama, who visited South Africa last month, said in a statement late Wednesday that people everywhere can honor Mr. Mandela by "heeding his example" through acts of service.
- 美國總統歐巴馬上月訪問了南非;歐巴馬星期三晚間發表聲明說,世界各地的人們都可以通過服務來學習曼德拉的榜樣,以此表達對他的敬仰之情。