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2025.01.18 16:03
七月份 第 06 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-07-08)------
- Former China Rail Minster Given Suspended Death Sentence
- 原中國鐵道部長被判死緩
- A Beijing court has given China's former railways minister a two-year suspended death sentence for bribery and abuse of power.
- 北京一家法庭以受賄罪和濫用職權罪,判處原鐵道部長劉志軍死刑,緩期兩年執行。
- The official Xinhua news agency says the court also ruled Monday that Liu Zhijun would lose all his personal property and be deprived of political rights for life.
- 官方的新華社報導,這家法庭星期一還做出裁決,沒收劉志軍的個人全部財產,剝奪他的政治權利終身。
- In China, a suspended death sentence is usually commuted to life in prison.
- 在中國,死緩通常被改判為終身監禁。
- According to the indictment, Liu accepted more than $10 million in bribes to help people win promotions or contracts between 1986 and 2011.
- 根據起訴書,1986 年到 2011 年間,劉志軍接受了至少1000 萬美元的賄賂,以幫助他人職務升遷或者承攬工程。
- He was fired in February of last year and later kicked out of the Communist Party.
- 他(劉志軍) 去年 2 月被開除公職,稍後被開除出共產黨。
- The indictment also said that Liu was responsible for "huge losses of public assets and of the interests of the state and people."
- 起訴書還說,劉志軍對 “公共財產和國家與人民利益的巨大損失” 負有責任。
- (2013-07-08)------
- Asiana: Pilot in Deadly Crash Training on 777 Jets
- 韓亞航空:出事飛機駕駛員正在接受波音 777 駕駛培訓
- Asiana Airlines says the pilot of a plane that crashed Saturday at San Francisco airport was still in training flying a Boeing 777, and was trying to land that type of aircraft at the site for the first time.
- 韓亞航空公司說,星期六在舊金山機場發生墜機事故的飛機駕駛員正在接受駕駛波音 777 客機的培訓,並且是第一次嘗試在舊金山機場降落。
- The South Korea-based airline said Monday the pilot had 43 hours of experience in the 777, and more than 9,000 hours of flight time overall.
- 這家南韓的航空公司星期一說,這名駕駛員有 43 個小時駕駛波音 777 客機的經驗和總共超過 9000 小時的飛行經驗。
- A pilot more experienced with the aircraft was acting as a trainer and co-pilot on the flight.
- 一名駕駛這種機型經驗豐富的飛行員作為教官和客機的副駕駛。
- U.S. investigators say it is too early to say what caused the crash, but that the plane was flying "significantly below" its target speed as it approached the runway and that the pilot tried to abort the landing.
- 美國調查人員說,現在就確定事故發生的原因還為時太早,不過,這架出事客機在接近跑道時的飛行速度 “遠遠低於” 標準速度,飛行員曾試圖停止著陸。
- National Transportation Safety Board chair Deborah Hersman said Sunday the verbal "abort" request came just 1.5 seconds before impact -- too late to avoid the crash that killed two people and injured dozens more.
- 美國國家交通安全委員會主席黛博拉‧赫斯曼星期天說, “停止” 的口頭要求是在出事前 1.5 秒的時候發出的,但為時過晚,來不及避免導致兩人死亡、數十人受傷的事故。