現在線上人數 93人
2025.01.18 14:44
七月份 第 16 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-07-22)------
- British Prince William's Wife Kate in Labor
- 英國凱特王妃入醫院待產
- British royal officials say Prince William's wife, Kate, has been admitted to the hospital and is in the early stages of labor.
- 英國王室官員說,威廉王子的夫人凱特住進一家醫院,目前處於產程早期。
- Officials said Kate and William, who spent the weekend at Kensington Palace, traveled to Saint Mary's Hospital in central London just before 6 a.m. ((0500 UTC)) on Monday.
- 有關官員說,凱特和威廉星期一早晨6點之前前往倫敦中部的聖瑪麗醫院;此前他們在肯辛頓宮度過週末。
- Under a new law, still to be enacted by Britain's parliament, the child will be born a future king or queen in waiting.
- 按照一項新法律,無論凱特生下男孩或女孩,都將成為未來的王位繼承人;這項法律還有待英國議會通過。
- The child will displace Prince Harry as the third in line to the throne, coming behind Queen Elizabeth's eldest, Prince Charles, and his son, Prince William.
- 凱特生下的孩子將取代哈里王子,列在伊麗莎白女王長子查爾斯王子和查爾斯王子長子威廉王子之後,成為第 3 順位王位繼承人。
- (2013-07-22)------
- Pope Poised to Open Weeklong Visit to Brazil
- 教宗對巴西展開為期一週的訪問
- Pope Francis on Monday opens a weeklong visit to Brazil -- the world's largest Roman Catholic country that has in recent weeks been swept up in waves of anti-government protests.
- 教宗方濟星期一將開始對巴西進行為期一週的訪問;巴西是世界上天主教徒最多的國家,近幾個星期來,巴西各地爆發了反政府抗議活動。
- More than 1 million young Catholics are expected to flock to Rio de Janeiro to celebrate the new pope.
- 預計將有1百多萬年輕天主教徒前往里約熱內盧歡迎這位新教宗。
- His itinerary includes meetings with local and national leaders and events connected to Thursday's celebration of World Youth Day.
- 教宗的日程包括會晤巴西政府和地方官員,並參加星期四與世界青年日有關的慶祝活動。
- The pontiff's schedule also includes a meeting with young inmates at a Rio prison, and a visit to shantytowns largely cleared of drug traffickers earlier this year by police and the Brazilian army.
- 此外,教宗還將在里約熱內盧的一座監獄與年輕囚犯們見面,並參觀今年早些時候巴西警方和軍隊基本將販毒者清除的貧民區。
- He also will inaugurate a Rio hospital wing for the treatment of drug addicts, and will pray at a shrine to Our Lady of Aparecida -- the patron saint of Brazil.
- 他(教宗) 還將為里約熱內盧一家醫院的戒毒中心主持開張儀式,並前往阿帕雷西達聖母教堂做祈禱。
- The former Argentine Cardinal will be welcomed to the country by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.
- 曾經擔任阿根廷天主教主教的教宗方濟將受到巴西總統羅塞夫的迎接。