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2025.01.18 14:46
七月份 第 01 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-07-01)------
- Kerry: US, China, Japan 'United' on North Korea Denuclearization
- 克里:美、中、日在朝去核上意見“一致”
- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the United States, China, Japan and South Korea are "absolutely united" in their insistence that North Korea denuclearize.
- 美國國務卿約翰‧克里說,美國、中國、日本和南韓在堅持朝鮮去核問題上“完全一致”。
- Kerry said Monday after meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Brunei that the only way to ensure peace and stability in the region is for North Korea to live up to its agreement from prior six-party talks to denuclearize.
- 克里星期一在汶萊會晤中國外交部長王毅之後說,確保該地區和平與穩定的唯一途徑是朝鮮履行先前在六方會談中達成的去核共識。
- "That the region will be better with the denuclearization and the possibilities of normal relationships, not just between the south and the north or china and North Korea, but between the United States and North Korea and the rest of the world, lies at the end of engaging in a serious set of steps to denuclearize and serious negotiations that could accompany that."
- 克里說,“實現去核以及可能實現的關係正常化,會讓這個地區更美好;關係正常化不僅指南韓和朝鮮之間,或者是中國和朝鮮之間,也是指美國和朝鮮以及世界其他國家的關係正常化;要做到這些,最終取決於一套嚴格的去核步驟以及與之相關的嚴肅磋商。”
- Kerry also met Monday with the foreign ministers of Japan and South Korea as part of two days of meetings with the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
- 克里星期一還會見了南韓外長尹炳世與日本外相岸田文雄;克里正在汶萊參加為期兩天的東盟十國會議。
- Earlier, he urged ASEAN to make progress on a code of conduct covering disputes over the South China Sea.
- 早前他曾敦促東盟在制定涵蓋南中國海爭端的行為準則上取得進展。
- (2013-07-01)------
- Obama Arrives in Tanzania, Final Stop on Africa Tour
- 歐巴馬抵達非洲之行的最後一站坦尚尼亞
- U.S. President Barack Obama has arrived in Tanzania, the final stop on his three-nation tour of Africa.
- 美國總統歐巴馬已經抵達坦尚尼亞;這是他此次非洲三國之行的最後一站。
- Mr. Obama was greeted by President Jakaya Kikwete and groups of dancers and drummers at the Dar es Salaam airport Monday.
- 坦尚尼亞總統賈卡亞‧基奎特以及眾多鼓手、舞者星期一在達疊斯薩拉姆機場迎接歐巴馬。
- During his two-day stay in the East African country, Mr. Obama will hold talks with Mr. Kikwete, meet with business leaders and address a forum of CEOs.
- 歐巴馬在對這個東非國家兩天的訪問中,將跟基奎特總統舉行會談,會見商界領袖,並在商界首席執行官論壇發表講話。
- Tanzania is one of eight countries involved with a new initiative Mr. Obama announced Sunday to help boost power production in sub-Saharan Africa.
- 在歐巴馬星期天宣佈的一項幫助撒哈拉以南非洲國家提高發電量新計劃中,坦尚尼亞是這項計劃包括的八個國家之一。
- He unveiled the $7 billion program in a speech at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, saying it will double access to electricity across the region.
- 歐巴馬在南非開普敦大學演講時宣佈了這項耗資 70 億美元的計劃,他說,這項計劃將使整個地區的電網覆蓋率擴大一倍。