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2024.10.05 07:35
十一月份 第 06 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-11-07)------
- Philippines Preparing for Powerful Typhoon
- 菲律賓準備應對強烈颱風
- A powerful typhoon is taking aim at the central Philippines, where thousands of residents have heeded government warnings to evacuate.
- 強烈颱風正向菲律賓中部移動,數以千計的居民聽從政府警告已經撤離。
- Typhoon Haiyan already has wind gusts of up to 250 kilometers per hour and is expected to strengthen further before making landfall Friday.
- 颱風海燕的陣風風速已經高達每小時 250 公里,在週五登陸可能會前進一步加強。
- Residents, such as Grace Macion, say they will not be taken by surprise by the storm, which is expected to be the region's strongest this year.
- 格雷斯‧梅西恩和其他當地居民說,這場颱風不會讓他們措手不及,本次颱風有望成為該地區今年最強的風暴。
- Forecasters expect Haiyan to bring heavy rains and powerful winds as it passes the central islands, some of which are still recovering from last month's deadly 7.2-magnitude earthquake.
- 氣象預報預計颱風海燕在經過中部島嶼時將帶來暴雨和強風,其中一些島嶼仍在從上個月造成人員傷亡的 7.2 級地震災害的恢復當中。
- Authorities have suspended ferry operations and told fishing boats to seek shelter. Army troops are also on standby to distribute emergency supplies.
- 當局已經暫停渡輪業務並告誡漁船尋求庇護;軍隊也隨時待命,準備分發應急物資。
- (2013-11-07)------
- Kerry Sees Progress in Mideast Peace Talks Despite Tensions
- 矛盾雖深 克里認為中東和談出現進展
- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says it is critical for a final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians to be reached and that "significant progress" was made in recent talks.
- 美國國務卿約翰‧克里說,以色列和巴勒斯坦人達成有關最後地位的協議至關重要,他說,最近的會談取得了 “重大進展”。
- At a news conference in Amman with Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh, Kerry said Israeli and Palestinian leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to peace negotiations, despite what he called clear tensions.
- 克里在安曼與約旦外交大臣納賽爾‧朱達一起出席記者會時說,雖然關係仍然明顯緊張,但是以色列和巴勒斯坦領導人都已重申他們致力於和平談判。
- He said regional leaders recognize the economic benefits a comprehensive peace deal would bring, including increased revenue from tourism and trade.
- 他說,地區領導人認識到達成一項全面和平協議將會帶來的經濟好處,包括旅遊和貿易收入的增長。
- Kerry praised Jordan's role as a key player "already engaged in major security relationships" with both the Israelis and Palestinians.
- 克里讚揚說,在以巴重大安全關係方面,約旦在發揮著關鍵性作用。