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十一月份 第 07 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-11-08)------

  • Chinese Police Arrest Suspected Bomber
  • 中國警方逮捕爆炸案嫌疑人
  •   Chinese authorities say they have arrested a man suspected of setting off a series of explosions outside ruling Communist Party offices in northern China that killed one person and wounded eight others.
  • 中國當局說,逮捕了涉嫌在中共山西省委大樓外製造一系列爆炸的一名男子;爆炸造成一人死亡,八人受傷。

  •   Officials in the province of Shangxi said 41-year-old ex-convict Feng Zhijun was captured at Friday in the provincial capital of Taiyuan, where the incident occurred, and confessed to the attack.
  • 山西省官員說,有犯罪前科的 41 歲嫌疑人豐志均星期五在山西省會太原市被逮捕,他對犯罪事實供認不諱。

  •   Authorities say police found homemade bombs and bomb-making materials in Feng's home.
  • 有關當局說,警方在豐志均的住處發現了自製炸彈和製造炸彈的材料。

  •   Police say Feng had previoulsy served nine years in prison for theft.
  • 警方說,豐志均曾因盜竊被判九年徒刑。

  •   No motive was given for the attack.
  • 當局沒有說明作案動機。

  •   The incident came just over a week after a deadly car crash and explosion in Tiananmen Square that Beijing has blamed on Muslim separatists.
  • 太原爆炸案發生的一個多星期前,天安門廣場發生一起致命撞車爆炸事件,北京稱這起事件是伊斯蘭分裂份子所為。


  • (2013-11-08)------

  • Amid Signs of Deal, Kerry Heads to Iran Nuke Talks
  • 克里前往參加核談判 有望與伊朗達成協定
  •   U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry heads to Geneva Friday for talks on Iran's nuclear program, amid signs a deal is within reach.
  • 美國國務卿克里星期五前往日內瓦,參加圍繞伊朗核項目問題的談判;目前有跡象顯示可能達成一項協議。

  •   The State Department says it hopes Kerry's presence will "help narrow differences" in the negotiations between Iran and six world powers.
  • 美國國務院表示,希望克里參加談判將縮小伊朗與六個世界強國之間的分歧。

  •   Both sides reported progress Thursday on a deal requiring Iran to scale back its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.
  • 雙方都表示星期四的談判在達成協定方面取得了進展;有關協議將要求伊朗縮減其核項目,以換取國際社會減輕制裁。

  •   Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif told CNN he believes an agreement can be reached before the close of negotiations Friday.
  • 伊朗外交部長扎里夫對美國有線電視新聞網說,他相信能在星期五談判結束之前達成協定。

  •   Iran is seeking an end to sanctions that have devastated its economy, while the six nations want assurances Iran is not building nuclear bombs.
  • 德黑蘭尋求國際社會結束制裁,伊朗經濟因制裁而受到沉重打擊,而六個世界強國希望伊朗保證不製造核武器。

  •   In Washington, President Barack Obama said the deal being discussed would offer "modest relief" from the sanctions, but that most would stay in place.
  • 歐巴馬在華盛頓表示,正在磋商的協議提出 “適度減輕” 制裁,但是大部分制裁仍將繼續。

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