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2024.10.05 07:40
十一月份 第 15 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-11-20)------
- China to Send 'Peace Ark' to Help Typhoon-Hit Philippines
- 中國將派 “和平方舟號” 海軍醫院船赴菲律賓救災
- China is increasing its relief aid to the Philippines following criticism that it was not doing enough to help its typhoon-hit neighbor, which is involved in a territorial dispute with Beijing.
- 中國增加了對菲律賓的救災援助;此前中國受到批評,被認為對受災鄰國幫助不夠;中國與菲律賓之間存在領土爭端。
- The Chinese foreign ministry said Wednesday an emergency medical team from the government and a disaster relief team from the Chinese Red Cross will soon arrive in the Philippines.
- 中國外交部星期三說,中國政府和中國紅十字會分別派出的緊急醫療隊和救援隊很快將抵達菲律賓。
- A 14,000-ton navy hospital ship, described as a "peace ark," will also be sent.
- 此外,中國還派出了一艘 1 萬 4 千噸級的海軍醫院船 “和平方舟號”。
- It has been 12 days since Typhoon Haiyan tore through the central Philippines, leaving over 4,000 people dead and millions displaced. Hundreds of thousands are yet to be reached with emergency aid.
- 颱風 “海燕” 於 12 天前重創菲律賓中部地區,造成 4 千多人死亡,數百萬人無家可歸;到目前為止,還有數十萬人沒有得到緊急救援。
- China, which has the world's second largest economy, initially offered $100,000 to Manila.
- 做為世界第二大經濟體的中國,最初只為菲律賓提供 10 萬美元援助。
- Following both domestic and international criticism, it increased its aid contribution by $1.6 million in supplies.
- 受到國內外批評後,中國政府又為菲律賓提供了價值 160萬美元的救災物資。
- (2013-11-20)------
- US Ambassador to China to Step Down Next Year
- 駱家輝將於明年初辭去美國駐華大使職務
- The U.S. ambassador to China says he is stepping down early next year to rejoin his family in the United States.
- 美國駐中國大使駱家輝說,他將於明年初辭職,回美國與家人團聚。
- Gary Locke said in a statement Tuesday he informed President Barack Obama of his decision earlier this month.
- 駱家輝星期二發表聲明說,他於本月早些時候已把這一決定告知歐巴馬總統。
- The 63-year-old Locke is the first Chinese-American to serve as the U.S. ambassador to Beijing.
- 駱家輝現年 63 歲,他是首位擔任美國駐中國大使的美籍華人。
- Locke said it has been the "honor of a lifetime" to serve as ambassador, a position he has held since 2011.
- 駱家輝說,擔任駐華大使是他一生的榮耀;他是從 2011年開始擔任這一職務的。
- He said he is proud of the accomplishments made "on behalf of the American people and for U.S.-China relations."
- 他(駱家輝) 表示,他為美國人民工作,並為美中關係的發展取得成就,他為此感到驕傲。