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2024.10.05 07:39
十一月份 第 02 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-11-02)------
- China Blames Muslim Separatist Group for Tiananmen Attack
- 中方指責穆斯林分裂團體策動天安門攻擊事件
- China's domestic security chief has blamed a Muslim Uighur separatist group for planning a "violent terrorist incident" this week on Beijing's Tiananmen Square that killed five people and injured dozens of others.
- 中共中央政法委書記孟建柱說,分裂主義維族穆斯林策劃了本星期的 “暴力恐怖事件”;這起事件造成五人死亡,數十人受傷。
- Meng Jianzhu said Friday that the incident had been organized by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement.
- 孟建柱星期五說,東伊運組織是這起事件的幕後指使者。
- The U.N. has classified the ETIM as a terrorist group based in the northwest region of Xinjiang.
- 聯合國把以新疆為根據地的東伊運列為恐怖主義組織。
- Beijing says the deadly Monday car crash in Tiananmen Square was a suicide mission planned by religious extremists.
- 北京說,星期一發生在天安門廣場的致命撞車事件是宗教極端份子策劃的自殺式襲擊。
- Police say a Uighur man named Usmen Hasan crashed a vehicle carrying his mother and wife into a crowd of people in the square, before lighting the car on fire.
- 警方說,一個名叫烏斯曼‧艾山的維族男子駕駛汽車衝撞廣場人群,然後將車點燃,車內還有他的母親和妻子。
- All three died at the scene, as did two tourists. Dozens were wounded.
- 艾山和他的母親、妻子當場死亡,還有兩名旅遊者喪生;幾十人受傷。
- Officials say they found gasoline, knives, steel sticks and a flag with extremist religious content inside the burnt-out vehicle.
- 中國官員說,他們在燒燬的車內發現了汽油、砍刀、鐵棍和印有宗教極端內容的旗幟。
- They also arrested five people from Xinjiang, who were said to be planning attacks with Hasan.
- 他們還逮捕了五名來自新疆的人;當局說,這幾人同艾山一同策劃襲擊。
- (2013-11-02)------
- Indonesia Summons Australian Ambassador Over US Spying Allegations
- 印尼就所謂美國監視問題召見澳大利亞大使
- Indonesia has summoned the Australian ambassador in Jakarta following reports indicating that Australia has allowed covert U.S. surveillance programs to operate in its embassies in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, China and East Timor.
- 有報導顯示澳大利亞允許美國在澳大利亞駐印尼、泰國、越南、中國和東帝汶的使館內實施其秘密監視項目,隨後印尼召見了澳大利亞駐雅加達大使莫里亞蒂。
- The news reports, based on documents leaked by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden, also said that the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta was used for spying on its president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and other Indonesian leaders.
- 有關報導的根據是美國前國家安全局合同工斯諾登洩露的文件;報導還說,美國駐雅加達使館被用來監視印尼總統蘇西洛和其他印尼領導人。
- They indicate the U.S. embassy houses wiretapping equipment that has been used to monitor other Indonesian leaders.
- 報導指出,美國使館內設有竊聽設備,用來監視其他印尼領導人的活動。
- The documents describe the facilities as carefully concealed within embassy compounds.
- 有關文件說,監聽設備被仔細隱藏在美國使館內。
- After the meeting Friday, Australian diplomat Greg Moriarty said only that he talks had been good and he now had to report back to his government.
- 星期五的會談結束後,莫里亞蒂只表示談話是良好的,他現在必須向澳大利亞政府進行彙報。
- The Indonesian Foreign Ministry has also summoned America's top diplomat in Jakarta to clarify the allegations.
- 印尼外交部還召見了美國駐雅加達首席外交官,要求澄清有關指稱。